Chorizo Butterbeans with Avo & Fresh Chilli

This dish came about as a happy, lazy coincidence. Having sporadic access to the shops (and fresh ingredients) means that some nights you have to make do with things you can scrounge from the cupboards/freezer. This was a result of one of those times, and man it was a revelation. And has been a firm favourite ever since. You can get a little creative with the extras, but I’d recommend keeping the stalwarts consistent – the crispy butterbeans, chorizo and avo.


200g chorizo, sliced finely
1 avo, cubed
1x 400g tin butterbeans
1 round of feta, cubed
Fresh chilli, chopped
Fresh basil, to serve
*serves 2

Fry the chorizo at low heat, turning frequently (so it doesn’t burn), until a lot of the fat has rendered out. Remove the cooked chorizo, pour out most of the fat, and then fry the prepped butterbeans (rinsed, drained, dried, salted) in the remaining oil. Once brown and crispy on both sides, add the chorizo, toss briefly to heat through, and serve with cubed feta, avo, basil and fresh chilli. An amazing Friday night meal. #justsaying

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